Crown Theatre

Photographer: dweeb
Location: Eccles, UK

Crown theatre, Eccles

A great example of a purpose built theatre that got converted to a cinema by chopping out a portion of the circle. Well I should say one of the circles, as it has two, plus the gods makes it a 4 tier affair, which is the first of it's kind I have had the pleasure of seeing.

The top seats were amazingly high and I got a touch of vertigo looking down at the stage! It was ok though, the public were safe from falling due to the addition of some ropes around a few metal bars

The removal of the roofing slates has led to the rapid decline of the interior, but I did manage to do some of my patented raking under staging and floors to find some packaging of yesteryear and a handbill from 1913. It was incredibly fragile but listed all the variety shows in the crown, humle hippodrome and surrounding theaters...